In effect the liquid crystal of our body is attempting to accommodate the coming Earth Shift (in vibration). He then discusses the relationship between sound and form and notes that motion is a vibration emotions are a vibration and we are vibrations. The relevance of these physical occurrences is then explained and he shows how what is occurring now accords with the Egyptian, Tibetan and Mayan calendars and others, and with sacred prophecies and writings throughout our known history. This explanation goes into Part II where Braden shows that the increase in the Schumann Resonance appears to be occurring in accordance with the Fibonacci number ratios. Then a thumb nail sketch of the effects of Urantia's Schumann Resonance and the fact that it has been constant at 7.8 hertz throughout recorded history BUT is now increasing at a geometric rate. The geometric decline in Urantia's magnetic field is then discussed with a clear indication that it is heading to zero before a magnetic pole reversal takes place.

Brief mention is also made of the Photon Belt and the effects of our solar system being in it. See: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part I talks about the Sun's magnetic field declining and being the same at both poles and at the equator. The first two have the most detailed science in them. There are four videos each being about 50 minutes long. So clearly we are approaching zero point and time seems to be speeding up because our world is vibrating almost twice as fast as it was throughout our known history. One obvious factor that has changed is that today the Earth’s Schumann Resonance is said to exceed 12 hertz whereas when he made the videos it had only increased from 7.8 to 8.8 hertz. Although the videos were made 13 years ago the basic information is still relevant.

His explanation indicates how our emotional and spiritual reactions are influencing this process and why our emotional balance is important for those wishing to accompany Gaia.

Braden clearly explains the scientific factors involved and integrates them with into a perspective that shows how this process is affecting us physically. He explains the scientific background to the coming Earth Shift to a higher vibratory level which has been going on for many years and which will culminate in Earth's Ascension along with those humans who have adapted spiritually to the higher Schumann Resonance vibratoty rate required for the Shift. Ron: Just over 13 years ago Gregg Braden put out a video series called "Awakening to Zero Point.". ENVIRONMENT/SCIENCE Awakening to Zero Point By Jan 2 1, 2 01 0 - 6:3 3 :00 PMĪwakening to Zero Point By Gregg Braden and commentary by Ron Apr 1 4, 2 009 - 8:3 7 :00 AM