What is Muri and How to Deal with It? Muri is a key concept in Lean management. The Three Forms of Waste – Muda, Mura, and Muri. Mura rears its ugly head in software development in a variety of ways, but the most obvious are in testing and in the user story/requirements process. The pressures calculation method is the 'trial wedge' or Culmann method in case of basement wall, pressures are calculated with 'k0' instead of 'ka' coefficient. IS Muri performs the checks to overturning, sliding, bearing capacity and global stability. The ground water can have different depths and inclinations in front and on back. Find out what costs you money and resources and eliminate it. 7 Wastes of Lean: How to Optimize Resources The 7 forms of waste is a concept that is an integral part of Lean management. The strengths of 3Muri is its innovative computation method (FME) that is able to give more information on the structure’s real behaviour to seismic actions, aside an extreme simplicity of use. 3Muri is a software for analysis of structures built in masonry and mixed materials through a non-linear (pushover) and static analysis.